Welcome to year 3!

Welcome back year 3! 

Mrs Marshall and Mrs Kidd would like to welcome all our Year 3 children back to school after a lovely break off. We are excited to have lots of amazing and fun lessons planned for the curriculum.  

Our History, topic this half term is ‘How did we get to Norris Green?’ We will be looking at the chronology of Norris Green and how our local history has changed over time. The children will also get a hands-on experience of taking a trip to Norris Green Park to look at the place where it all started.  

In Science, this term we will be looking at the topic of forces and magnetism. The children will be exploring the concept of friction and all of the aspects of magnets. Children will learn how to compare and group a variety of objects based on whether they are attracted to a magnet. They will predict which objects will attract or repel.
We are looking forward to another great half term!  

Mrs Marshall and Mrs Kidd 


Some important information for Year 3 parents/carers: 

  • Children will take part in weekly P.E. lessons every Monday.  
  • Reading books should be brought into school every Thursday to be changed. 

Year 3 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish.  


Some important information for Year 3 parents/carers: 

  • Children will take part in weekly P.E. lessons on Monday (weather permitted) 
  • Reading books should be brought into school every Thursday to be changed 

Year 3 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish.  


Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 3 – History Knowledge Organiser – local history

Year 3 – Science Knowledge Organiser – Forces and Magnets

Year 3 Home school sheet Spring 1

Year 3 Homework Menu Spring 1


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