Welcome to Year 1 

Miss Crabtree and Miss Farley would like to welcome you back to our Year 1 page! We hope you all had a great half term, a lovely rest and made some wonderful memories with your family. We are really excited and have a lot of amazing and fun lessons planned and hope you are ready for the new adventures year 1 has to offer this half term.


We are following the RWI scheme, which is having a fantastic impact on children’s progress. On top of their English lesson each day, they all take part in a full RWI lesson. Children are placed in small groups specific to their needs and ability, this allows them to apply their phonic skills on a daily basis and review sounds repeatedly every day. Children are also supported throughout the day and are given opportunities to take part in 1-1 phonic tutoring sessions, which enables them to work specifically on areas that they need to focus on.

Children are continually assessed during daily RWI lessons and so they are able to move on as soon as they are ready to do so. We also complete phonic assessments following the RWI format to track their progress and also prepare children for the end of year phonic screening. In order for children to feel confident when completing the phonic screening in July we complete regular screenings using past papers so they are familiar with layout and how the test is conducted.

We really appreciate your continued support as reading and practising phonics at home has a significant impact on your child’s progress. Ruth Miskin offers a variety of phonic videos online that you are able to watch at home:




In English we are following the RWI scheme alongside our narrative. Our English topic will be focused around the traditional tale of ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’. We will begin our half term by looking at predictions, generating vocabulary and improving our sentences. The children will also be exploring a selection of stories with traditional tales. We will then be creating our own senses poetry.


During this half term we will be concentrating on number. We will be focusing on the children being able to recognise, count, make amounts and write each number. We will be focusing on a set of numbers and develop and deepen our knowledge of number bonds to 10. We will develop problem solving skills and incorporating shape, measure and time into our learning.


During science this half term we will be looking at everyday materials. Children will look at a range of materials and be able to name them whilst identifying their properties.  Children will be able to find the most appropriate material for the shoemaker to use when making his shoes.


This half term children will be exploring their local area. We will be visiting our local area, using maps to explore and then go on to create our own. Finally, we will discuss how we can develop our local area and our school by suggesting improvements.


We will be looking at Healthy Eating and will design, make and evaluate a fruit kebab. Children will explore and taste a variety of fruits. They will also look at health and safety when working with food and equipment.


During computing this half term we will be using the Code & Go Robot Mouse to programme and move the robot. We will focus on four moves and create different routes.


We will be exploring the topic ‘Rhythm in the way we walk’ in music and will be completing a variety of practical activities. We will find the beat, pulse and learn new songs.


During R.E. this term we will be exploring ‘Why do Christians give gifts at Christmas?’

Throughout PHSE we will be following the scheme Jigsaw and celebrating differences.


Some important information for Year 1 parents/carers:

  • Home Reader books will be given out every Friday and should be returned to school to be changed every Friday. Children should read daily at home.
  • We will be using school P.E kits this year so you do not need to send one to school with your child.


Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Y1 Science Knowledge Organiser

Year 1 Autumn 2 Home School Sheet

Year 1 Geography Knowledge Organiser

Year 1 Homework Menu

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