School Uniform
We want our children to look smart and feel great belonging to our school family as well as encouraging a sense of both personal and school pride. We expect and encourage our parents to fully support us with this and adhere to our high expectations.
Please mark all clothing clearly with your child’s name. (Please regularly check that names are still visible throughout the year)
Royal Blue Leamington Jumper/Cardigan
Royal Blue Leamington Jogging Bottoms
Leamington Polo Shirt or Plain White Polo Shirt
Plain Black Pumps (Velcro Fastening)
Royal Blue Leamington Jumper/Cardigan
Grey Trousers/Skirt
Leamington Polo Shirt or Plain White Polo Shirt
Plain Black School Shoes (not trainers or trainer style shoes, no logos or colours)
Year 1 to Year 6
Autumn and Spring Term
White Shirt
School Tie
Grey Trousers
Grey skirt/pinafore
School Jumper/cardigan
Plain Black School Shoes (not trainers or trainer style shoes, no logos or colours)
Summer Term
Light Blue Summer Dress
School Jumper/Cardigan
White Socks
Plain Black School Shoes (not trainers or trainer style shoes, no logos or colours)
White Polo Shirt with Leamington Logo or Plain White Polo Shirt
Grey School Shorts/Trousers
School Jumper/Cardigan
Plain Black School Shoes (not trainers or trainer style shoes, no logos or colours)
PE Kits
Leamington PE Shorts or Blue/Black Shorts
Leamington T-Shirt or Plain White T-Shirt
Black Pumps for Indoors and Trainers for Outdoors
Hair and Make-Up
Any form of make-up is not allowed including fake nail and nail varnish.
Long hair should be tied back.
Short hair should be neat and tidy with no extreme hair cuts i.e. shaved patterns etc.
A sensible school coat is also required. (Please do not send your child in expensive coats, hats, scarfs, sunglasses etc. Children are responsible for their own items of clothing.)
All uniform including Early Years and book bags are available from:
110 Muirhead Avenue East
L11 1EL
Navy jumpers and book bags are also available from:
Schoolwear by Lisa
72 Priory Road
L4 2RZ