Accessibility Policy and Plan 2024-26

Anti-Bullying Policy 2024 – 2026

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy 2024-25

Bereavement Policy

British Values Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024-2025

Class Dojo Policy

Complaints Policy

Computing and ESafety Policy

Data Protection Policy 2024-2025

Early Years Policy 2024-2025

Educational Visits Policy

Email and Communications Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Extra-Curricular Activities Policy

First Aid Policy

Food and Nutrition Policy 

School Health Safety Welfare Policy 2024

Healthy Eating, Food and Nutrition Policy

Home Visit Good Practice Guidance

Home-School Agreement 2024-2025

Homework Policy

Inclusion Policy

Intimate Care Policy 2024-25

Leamington Values Code of Conduct

Learning and Teaching Policy

Marking and Feedback Policy

Medical Policy 2025-26

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy 2023 2024

Mobile Phone Policy

Modern Foreign Language Policy Spanish

Password Security Policy

Positive Behaviour Policy


Racial Equality Policy

Safer Recruitment Policy 2024-2025

SEND Policy 2024

SEND Information Report 2024

SMSC Policy

Social Media Policy

Staff Code Of Conduct Policy 2024-2025

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2025

Visitors’ Safeguarding Guidance 2024-2025

Young Carers Policy

Complaints Procedure

Concerns and Complaints about School February 2024:

Notes for Parents

If you have a concern or complaint we would like you to tell us about it as soon as possible.

Informal Stage

First, speak to a member of staff. Most concerns can be sorted out quickly by speaking to your child’s class teacher or someone in the school office.

If you are still unhappy, speak to the Headteacher. All staff will make every effort to resolve your problem informally. They will make sure that they understand what you feel went wrong, and they will explain their own actions to you. They will ask what you would like the school to do to put things right. Of course, this does not mean that in every case they will come round to your point of view but it will help both you and the school to understand both sides of the question. It may also help to prevent a similar problem arising again. Most concerns are resolved informally. Very occasionally there is a need for further action.

Formal Stage

You may find it helpful at this stage to have a copy of the full statement of the General Complaints Procedure as this explains in detail what procedures are followed. If your complaint is about an action of the Headteacher personally, then you should refer it to the Chair of Governors. You can contact him/her through the school.

In other cases,

The Headteacher will ask to meet you for a formal discussion of the problem. You may take a friend or someone else with you if you wish. The Headteacher will conduct a full investigation of the complaint and may interview any members of staff or pupils involved. You will receive a written response to your complaint to resolve the matter.

If you are still not satisfied you may wish to ask the Chair of Governors (Mr. P Monaghan) for referral of your complaint to the Complaints Committee of the Governing Body. It will then be heard by a group of three governors who have no previous knowledge of the problem and so will be able to give it a fresh assessment. You will be invited to attend and speak to the Committee at a meeting which the Headteacher will also attend. The General Complaints Procedure statement explains how these meetings operate.

Most people who complain are usually satisfied following the outcome of the formal complaint to the Governing Body.

However, if you remain dissatisfied you should write to: Secretary of State Department of Education Sanctuary Buildings Great Smith Street London SW1P 3BT Tel: 0370 000 2288 Web: Finally Complaints about school problems are almost always settled within schools but in exceptional cases it may be possible to refer the problem to an outside body such as the Ombudsman (in rare circumstances but particularly in relation to admissions).

Charging for School Activities

Educational visits do much to enhance the learning experience of all children. The school budget cannot subsidise the cost of these activities and are only able to go ahead if parents are prepared to contribute towards the cost. If sufficient contributions are not made then the activities cannot take place. Any parent who is in financial difficulties should arrange to see the head teacher in confidence. No child will be omitted purely on the grounds of inability to contribute.

Safeguarding/Child Protection

Leamington Community Primary School has a responsibility to safeguard its children and recognises that the welfare, physical and emotional well being of its pupils is of paramount importance. Our school creates and maintains a safe environment to protect children from harm and neglect. All matters of safeguarding/child protection will be dealt with in accordance with local authority procedures

Medical Welfare Policy

If a child has an accident in school, basic first aid will be given. However, if it is felt that they need further treatment, or in the case of a head injury, parents will be contacted.  In case of an emergency, an ambulance will be called as well as parents/carers. Please ensure that you have provided the school office with details of an up-to-date emergency contact so we can easily reach you in such circumstances. Also, please keep school updated with any medical conditions/requirements for your child. You can do this by contacting your child’s class teacher or the school office. Please ensure that your child gets a good night’s sleep and a breakfast. Tired and hungry children are often irritable, unable to settle and can struggle to focus which can subsequently affect their progress. All children are currently provided with a free breakfast in school (bagel) as part of the Magic Breakfast Scheme. If your child requires support with their sleeping habits, please contact the school office and ask to speak to Liz Morrison (Family Support Worker), who will be able to help you. Access is available to a wealth of external agencies to help support your child with any needs they may have, including the School Health Team. If you have any concerns and feel you need further support, please contact your child’s class teacher.


If your child is sick in school,  they will be checked by their class’ first aider and a decision will be made as to whether we feel they may need to go home. If so, school will contact you and ask you to collect your child. In the case of a headache/toothache, we may call you to request that you come to school to administer pain relief medication to allow your child to stay in school. Please ensure that you have provided the school office with details of an up-to-date emergency contact so we can contact you easily if your child is sick.


White blouse; grey skirt, gymslip or trousers: navy pullover, cardigan or school sweater or cardigan; blue tie: blue and white check dress or polo shirt in the summer; sensible black school shoes (no trainers or heels)

White shirt and blue tie; grey trousers; navy blue pullover; cardigan or school sweater; polo shirt in the summer; sensible black school shoes.

‘Schoolwear by Lisa’ on Priory Road sells our uniform.

PE Kit

Children need a pair of navy blue or black shorts and a white t-shirt for PE. They will also need a pair of elasticated pumps. PE kits should be left in school in a PE bag in the children’s lockers. Children may also need warm outdoor clothing for games lessons. For swimming, children should bring a pair of trunks or a one-piece swimsuit, swimming cap and towel. Your child’s class teacher will send a letter to inform you of when your child will go swimming throughout the year. Please label all clothing with your child’s name. Neither the school nor the Governors can take responsibility for the loss of clothing or personal effects.