Welcome to Year 5.

Welcome to our final half term in Year 5.

In English lessons, we will be starting our new topic ‘Harry Potter’. We will be exploring the first Harry Potter book ‘The Philosopher’s stone’ and exploring the film. We will be writing character and setting descriptions and also be writing a letter to Dumbledore to complain about the houses we have been put in!  We will also find out which houses we belong to. Further to this, we will have a numerous SPaG lessons where we will focus on apostrophes for contraction, omission and possession, modal verbs and plurals.

In our Maths lessons, Children will be given lots of opportunities to investigate and apply reasoning skills in converting time. We will be then exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, drawing them and using our skills to rotate and reflect shapes. Finally, we will explore data. We will look at line graphs and compare the data we will be given.

We will start the term with our new Geography topic – ‘How does Harry find his way around Hogwarts’. We will be using our mapping skills to explore Hogwarts. We will be learning how to use 6 figure grid references, contour lines, elevation lines and map symbols correctly.

Our Science Topic is ‘Changes in materials’ We will be exploring reversible and irreversible changes, chemical changes, alkalis and acids, evaporation and condensation and different types of fingerprints.

Some important information for Year 5 parents/carers:

  • Year 5 will have P.E. on a Tuesday morning or Friday afternoon this half term, therefore please ensure children have suitable footwear.

Year 5 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish. Reading Book should be brought in everyday so children do not miss any opportunities to read to an adult. Homework menus are given out at the beginning of every half term for children to complete at their own pace. Finally, a reminder that our homework menus are available via ClassDojo and our school website for the children to complete over the half term.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Geography knowledge organiser – mapping skills

Science Knowledge Organiser – Year 5 – Properties of Materials

Year 5 Home school sheet – Summer 2

Year 5 Homework Menu – Summer 2

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