Welcome to Year 5.

Welcome back, we hope everybody had a lovely break and we are really looking forward to beginning our new term.

We will begin this half term with our new book ‘King Arthur. This will link with most of our other subject. In History will be exploring – ‘Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing?’ Children have had the opportunity to set the questions they would like to answer along their learning journey. We will begin by researching all about the Anglo-Saxons and how they influenced Britain today. Children will become the Angles & Saxons and invade another settlement in school. We will then look at how Anglo Saxons lived and their settlements.

We will begin this half term by starting our fractions, decimals and percentages topic. We will then look at ‘Measure’. We will be learning how to convert between units of measure for length, weight and capacity. We will also be exploring and understanding imperial measures. We will then move onto measuring and calculating the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes. We will also be solving Anglo-Saxon mathematical problems involving wergild.

Our Science topic is called ‘How can I test this material?’ This will involve looking at different states of matter and exploring how they can change between different states of matter. This will include looking at evaporation, condensation, heating and cooling.

Some important information for Year 5 parents/carers:

  • Year 5 will have P.E. on a Wednesday this half term.
  • Children will have Spanish lessons every Thursday.

Year 5 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish. Book bags should be brought in everyday so children do not miss any opportunities to read to an adult.


Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Knowledge Organiser Year 5 Changes of Materials

Year 5 – Anglo Saxons knowledge organiser

Year 5 Home school Sheet Spring 2

Year 5 Homework Menu Spring 2

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