Welcome to year 3!
Hello! We hope you all had a great half term and are ready to learn about our new topics.
During Spring 2 the children will be exploring land use, with a special focus on Norris Green. We will look at a variety of sources and use Atlas books, Ipads and Google Earth to find out more about how the land around our school has been used and developed. We will be talking about urban areas, rural areas and agriculture.
This half term we will be beginning our narrative immersion with David Weisner’s book Tuesday. The book gives us an exciting opportunity to develop role play and encourage the children to write in a number of genres. The children will act out scenarios connected with the story and we will use drama conventions such as freeze frame, children in role, teacher in role, hot seating and role on the wall. We will look at descriptions of characters and settings; persuasive posters; instructions and reports from the point of view of a detective. We will also be focussing on sentence formation using adjectives, verbs and similes. Spellings as always will be integral to our unit of work and will be reinforced in specific lessons and during shared and guided write.
This term the children will be continuing their topic of length, moving on to solving problems involving perimeter. The children will measure, compare, add and subtract units of measure as well as completing word problems and practical investigations. After that we will be working on money. Children will be adding and subtracting money, looking at the different coins they can use and also solving a variety of problems using money. We will then progress to time in which children will learn how to read the time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock. They will continue to learn their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table, and the corresponding division facts. As always, times tables remain an important area of learning. The children will concentrate on the application of the times tables across all areas of maths.
Some important information for Year 3 parents/carers:
- PE will on Tuesday
- Reading books should be brought into school on
Year 3 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish.
Year 3 Geography Knowledge Organiser Land use
Year 3 Home school sheet Spring 2
Year 3 Science Knowledge Organiser Light