Welcome to Reception
Welcome back to school! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. We are looking forward to hearing all about your holidays. All the children had worked so hard last term and we are excited for the term ahead.
In Maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of numbers within 10 by lots of fun, practical activities to compose numbers as well as exploring capacity and weight. This term, we will be developing our mathematical language such as heavy, light and much more!
In Literacy, we will be continuing to work hard each day in our daily phonics session and applying our phonic knowledge to our reading and writing in class. Please use our Dojo app to consolidate your child’s learning, with updated sounds which the children are working on. Reading at home is vital and the best support you can give your child at this vital time of learning. Sharing stories as well as having a story time at bedtime will support your child into becoming a confident reader and to have a love for books.
We will also be developing our independence of getting changed and dressed into our P.E kits. At home, you could encourage your child to get dressed for school more independently too!
Don’t forget-
Read every night- books will be changed each Friday. Please bring in your book bags every Thursday.
Remember to check Dojo and Seesaw regularly.
P.E is every Friday.
Reception Homework Menu – Spring 1
EYFS Curriculum adapted to meet the needs of SEND children – EYFS SEND Adaptions