How your child’s SEND needs may be met:

Early Intervention:

We have used our Early Years Consortia funding to access our very own Speech and Language Therapy service across 6 schools within our Consortia. This allows us to assess children early and identify whether they may have a speech and language difficulty. Chatterbug provides targeted intervention and support to those children and works closely with our staff to further train and develop their skills to enable them to continue with recommended support and strategies to maximise progress.

Wave 1:

Wave 1 support refers to inclusive quality first teaching for all pupils. Sometimes, children may need some additional support that has been carefully planned for and usually takes place within the classroom. This could involve support from an adult, additional modelling and examples of how to complete tasks and visuals to support understanding.

Here are some examples of wave 1 support that we offer at Leamington:

Wave 2:

Wave 2 support refers to any additional intervention that has been carefully planned and delivered with the purpose of improving outcomes and closing the attainment gap. This could involve academic, social and emotional interventions. Here are some examples of wave 2 support that we offer at Leamington:

Wave 3:

Wave 3 support refers to additional highly personalised interventions that may be delivered by specialist support staff or outside agencies. Here are some examples of wave 3 support that we offer at Leamington: