Welcome to Year 6

Mrs McKevitt and Mr Owen are looking forward to our final half term of Year 6 with you all. We are so proud of how hard you have worked this year! The children have worked extremely hard to achieve their potential and we are looking forward to sharing some special times as they prepare to move on from Leamington.

Our book for this half term is ‘The Rain Player’.  This will link to our history topic ‘The Mayans’, where we will be exploring the Mayan Civilisation. Our Science topic is ‘Classification and Adaption’; we will be learning about how organisms survive. We will learn how to classify plants and animals according to their characteristics.

Some important information for Year 6 is:

  • PE will take place every Thursday – trainers/pumps must be in every day please. This will allow us to complete other active lessons when possible.
  • Children have logins to Maths.co.uk, Maths Whizz and Spag.com and should continue to access these daily at home.
  • Home Reader books will be given out every Monday and should be returned to school to be changed every Friday. Children should continue to read daily at home.
  • We would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish.

We have lots of special activities planned for our Year 6 to enjoy in their final few weeks as a Leamington pupil. We hope everyone will take part in our fancy-dress competition – there will be prizes for the most creative! Our leavers service will take place in the final week – Monday 15th July 2024 – and will be a fantastic way to celebrate all of the achievements the children have made over the years.


Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Science Knowledge Organiser Year 6 Classification and adaption

Year 6 History Knowledge Organiser Mayans Summer 2

Year 6 Home-School-Sheet-Summer 2

Year 6 Homework Menu Summer 2

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