Welcome to Reception

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a lovely half-term break and are ready for our last half term in Reception.

During this half term we will be looking at our environment and living things within it. We will be planting our own plants and flowers and taking care of them each day. We will be also be having a visit from Acorn farm and learning about lots of different farm animals and how they are cared for. We are looking forward to having a cuddle with some of the smaller animals.

In Maths, we are going to be continuing developing our number sense beyond 10, our counting skills both forwards and backwards (to 20) and using our mathematical vocabulary. We will also consolidate addition and subtraction further and introduce doubling and halving this half-term.

In Literacy, we are working hard on our reading skills and continuing to learn phonics daily. We will be visiting more characters in our magical story world each day and are starting off with non-fiction texts about plants and growing. We will continue using our imagination to support children in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Don’t forget;

Read and sign your reading record every night- books will be changed Thursday to go home on Friday.

Reception Homework Menu – Summer 2

EYFS Curriculum adapted to meet the needs of SEND children – EYFS SEND Adaptions


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