Welcome to Reception

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a lovely half-term break and are ready our next, busy half-term!

During this half term we will be learning about ‘Celebrations’.

We have had lots of exciting celebrations, such as Bonfire Night and Christmas. We will discuss what and how we celebrate. We are going to extend our learning further and learn about different celebrations around the world, such as Diwali. Through our topic of Celebrations, we will be working in our continuous provision, developing skills across our curriculum.

In Maths, we are going to be continuing to develop our number sense to 10, continue using our fingers and developing our subitsing skills. We will continue to count daily, learning to count both forwards and backwards (to 20) confidently and using our mathematical vocabulary. We will also begin to learn some 2D shapes and begin learning and using positional language.

In Literacy, we are working hard on our reading skills and continuing to learn phonics daily. Keep an eye out on our class dojo, where we will be sending you some videos to continue practising our sounds at home. We will be visiting more characters in our magical story world each day and will be starting with the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and ‘The Little Red Hen’. We will continue using our imagination

to support children in speaking, listening, reading and writing and also extend our vocabulary daily, through our fabulous stories.

Don’t forget;

Read and sign your reading record every night- books will be changed every Friday so please bring in your book bags each Thursday.

Don’t forget to practice your sounds that are sent home weekly.

Don’t forget to keep accessing the range of websites such as Topmarks (Maths) and Phonics play (Literacy) at home too!

Reception Homework Menu Autumn 2

EYFS Curriculum adapted to meet the needs of SEND children – EYFS SEND Adaptions


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