Our School
At Leamington Community Primary School, we value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families and we teach tolerance and respect for the differences in our community and the wider world. Underpinning all of this, are a range of curriculum topics which have strong links to Britain, both past and present. Our school promotes and believes in the British characteristics of Tolerance, Respect, Fair Play and Good Community Spirit. Leamington’s Geography curriculum teaches our pupils that Britain is an island nation.
The school celebrates world events such as the Winter Olympics, Olympic and Para-Olympic games, the World Cup and the Commonwealth Games etc. Through our work with the Comenius Project each of our classes have learnt about our European partner’s geography, history and culture. The children are taught how to cook a couple of traditional dishes in their Food Technology lessons. Within History, the pupils study Ancient Civilisations, they learn about Democracy, the school follows democratic procedure annually when voting for school councillors and playground mentors.
In many of year group’s pupils study our local community and the City of Liverpool and those who have played a big part in making Liverpool so well known. They look at the impact they have had on Liverpool and how they have raised the profile of the city. Many of our children have visited our local museums. The children have a good understanding how the Victorians had such an impact on our everyday lives.
The children at Leamington are actively encouraged to be aware of what is happening within our country and worldwide. The school council work hard to understand their role in our community and can discuss current affairs confidently whilst developing a social conscience. The school undertakes assemblies which uphold traditional values of empathy, respect and tolerance. These are also taught within formal PSHE and RE lessons and on an informal nature throughout the school days.
At Leamington Primary we aim to ensure our children have a positive impact on their society. We are developing our children to be the next citizens of a local, national and global society.